Printed Barrier Jackets
Turn Crowd Control Barricades into Promotional Space and a revenue generator

Printed Barrier Jacket Variations

Add Value to your Steel Barriers
Many sites and events utilize crowd control barriers to designate lines and denote no-access areas. Barrier jackets enable those venues to use these barricades as ground-level billboards by featuring the site’s logo, or a sponsor’s logo or message.

Build Brand Awareness at Your Event
While the barrier is serving its purpose as a crowd management tool, a jacket enables you to use that space to promote the brand of your company, your team, or your site.

Since crowd control barriers tend to be placed in locations where crowds gather, you can also use a jacket to convey informational messages. Many sites use jackets printed with directional instructions, policy messages, schedule information, or identifications of locations.

We Work With You
We can take your existing logo, or we can work with other artwork you supply to create an eye-catching graphic to place on a barrier jacket. No matter what size barrier you have, we can make a jacket that will fit. Jackets are made with the finest quality material available.

Build the Barrier Jacket Cost into Your Sponsorship Packages
Barrier jackets are also prime advertising space at your site. If your event or team has corporate sponsors, jackets provide more spaces you can offer them to promote their brand or message. You can offer multiple sponsors per jacket or single sponsor jackets.